Why Choose Us

About Us

Aurora Sustainable Lands manages millions of acres of commercial forests in the United States and Canada. As a steward of the lands we manage, we consider it our responsibility to wisely manage these resources to their highest potential. Our professional, experienced team of foresters and land management consultants are dedicated to improve the recreational value of our land through the use of cooperative state programs, use of best management forestry practices and through the protection of environmentally sensitive areas.

At Aurora Sustainable Lands, we understand that hunting, fishing and other forms of outdoor recreation are important activities in local communities, and we consider the recreational value of the timberlands we manage in our land management decisions. With millions of acres across states in the Northern and Southern US and Canada, Aurora Sustainable Lands offers outdoor enthusiasts a vast resource for enjoying outdoor recreation with the complimentary benefits of timber management and wildlife/habitat management. Our forests provide a mix of public access for recreational purposes when compatible with timber management; while other lands require recreational licenses or permits for access.